Wednesday, January 02, 2008

XML and it's related X...'s

XML 1.0/1.1 (*.xml)
  • Syntax rules for well-formed XML e.g. must have a single root element, closing tags required, proper tag nesting, case-sensitive, values in single or double quotes, all-in-one opening & closing tag allowed for empty elements with attributes, processing instructions and comments do not need closing tags, entity references must be declared (except for those built-in)
  • CDATA can be used to display tags as text
  • <![CDATA[<person>Gareth</person>]]>

  • Valid XML documents conform to semantic rules defined in a DTD or XML Schema

DTD vs. XML Schema

  • DTD is non-XML like syntax, all declarations are global, unable to control kind of information elements can contain
  • XML Schema was designed to overcome these weaknesses

DTD (*.dtd or internal to *.xml document)

    <!DOCTYPE people [

<!ELEMENT person (name,age,weight/?,address)>

<!ATTLIST name language(EnglishLatin)>


XML Schema (*.xsd)

  • Two types of content:
  • Simple Content - elements that contain only text of built-in (type="xsd:string") or custom type
  • Complex Content - elements that contain other elements or attributes
  • Anotations can be used to describe parts of the schema
  • Built-in types includes string, decimal, boolean, date, time, uri-reference, ISO language etc.
  • Custom types allow Perl regex, inclusive/exclusive ranges, length, precision, lists, fixed and default values, choices, sequences etc.

XSLT (*.xslt)

  • Used to analyse and transform XML documents into another format
  • An XSLT processor converts XML into a node tree and uses the XSLT style sheet instructions to transform it
  • Makes use of XPath to refer to individual parts of an XML document

XPath 1.0/2.0

  • Used by XSLT, XSL-FO, XQuery, XInclude etc to refer to all or part of the text, data and values in XML documents


  • Allows XML files to include all or part of an external file

XQuery (XML Query)

  • Equivalent of SQL to access, manipulate and return XML

XML Signature

  • Defines syntax and processing rules for creating digital signatures in XML

XML Encryption

  • Defines syntax and processing rules for encrypting XML


  • Can be used to address components of XML-based internet media

XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects)

  • An XML-based page layout language, an XSL-FO processor can convert an XSL-FO document into another format e.g. a PDF

XLink (XML Linking Language)

  • Used for creating HTML-like hyperlinks in XML

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